Friday, November 28, 2008

Chicago Day 1

Chicago is amazing, thats it! First day was spent getting an overview of the city, walking around the center and crawling up tall buildings.

First pictures is a view from the top of the Sears Tower - formerly the tallest building in the world. Chicago is bordered my the huge Lake Michigan, which gives a nice waterline of the city. Between the city and the lake are parks and open ground, so it doesn't feel too dense and crowded at all.

At the top of the Sears tower was also a small exhibition showing famous people and incidents from Chicago. I tried to tackle Michael Jordan, but as everyone knows, he can actually fly, so I didn't succeed I am afraid.

Other famous artists include a lot of Jazz and Blues musicians and of course the world famous Blues Brothers. Walking down the streets in Chicago, I could almost see the throngs of police cars crashing to left and right trying to catch the infamous brothers.

After the Sears tower we continued our walk, and passed through Grant Park, where Obama held his victory speech. The city is still full of posters etc. celebrating his victory, and in general he is of course a big hero here.

We went to the John Hancock tower - the 4th tallest building in Chicago, with a restaurant and bar. Another great view of the city, including a fantastic sunset sitting on top of downtown Chicago :)

Today is the big shopping day in USA, following Thanksgiving yesterday. I expect the city to be completely crowded, not like yesterday where the only people were us and asian tourists more or less. Also, we had big trouble finding a place to eat in the night, because more or less everything was closed.

More Chicago stuff will follow soon.

1 comment:

Lazlo said...

Det lyder som en spændende oplevelse! Har du besøgt Jordans hovedkvarter i Chicago - altså dem med tandbørsterne? ;-)