Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Bashing the BU

For a while I have used a rather blunt wording of the USA; BU or Bastardos Unidos. As we all know, it is this right wing, racist, fundamentalistic and completely crazy country, becuase they are ALL like this. I mean, they re-elected Bush...

Ok, after a week here, I actually like the place. Terra Haute is middle of nowhere, but people are friendly and considerate, and the culture is not that far from DK - probably becuase we adopted so much over the years through tv, movies etc. I see loads of odd things, but nothing really surprising, and then they elected Obama while I was here. Ok, maybe my first paragraph was a little TOO much, because all the time I have anticipated that when I finally reached god's own country, the people here would probably be like anywhere else - friendly, curious and openminded.

The last few days I:
Went to a book-store, there were so many books of the type "Why conservatives/liberalists are extremely dangerous for our country" and "Why NOT to vote for Obama/McCain". I also stumbled upon the Chuck Norris book Black Belt Patriotism. Just reading the cover made it hard not laughing! Chuck Norris can kill two stones with one bird...
Visited an outdoor living superstore with a HUGE weapons department. Lots of used rifles for 2-300$ - great fun?!
Been to endless fast-food "restaurants" - I gotta eat, right.


Lazlo said...

Det er meget nemmere at hade det, man ikke rigtigt kender til. Næh du, glem alt, hvad du har lært i Indiana og gå tilbage til BU-stereotypen ;-)

Mikkel Gram-Hansen said...

Hvor længe bliver du der og hvad er planerne for at se andre steder i US of A ?

Lazlo said...

Der kleine brüder er såmænd tilbage i Mexico, men han tager til Chicago i næste uge. Jo jo, han bliver en berejst herre!